Нужна помощь, пол дня ковыряю, не пойму где затуп.
Сервис ble2homed-custom работает.
В вебе сервиса на 1888 порту видит устройства (LYWSD03MMC)
22:22:37:72:37:f2 - ? (RSSI -57)
3b:e0:d9:11:87:4f - ? (RSSI -81)
48:5f:99:15:b0:5a - ? (RSSI -86)
58:b6:23:63:6e:17 - ? (RSSI -58)
a4:c1:38:14:d3:72 - ? (RSSI -41)
181a => {"temperature":24.57,"humidity":38.13,"voltage":2.923,"battery":90,"counter":83,"switch":0,"opening":0,"type":"PVVX (No encryption)"}
a4:c1:38:ba:09:f9 - ? (RSSI -68)
181a => {"temperature":23.71,"humidity":36.11,"voltage":2.763,"battery":70,"counter":132,"switch":0,"opening":0,"type":"PVVX (No encryption)"}
[CONNECT] Connections [] IDLE
в mqtt вроде тоже публикует

В HOMEd-custom не появляется устройство.
Может что в конфиге накосячил
"// Set this to true to only publish MQTT messages for known devices": 0,
"only_known_devices": false,
"scanTimeout": 0,
"scanInterval": 0,
"retain": false,
"// If a device's address is here, it'll be given a human-readable name": 0,
"known_devices": {
"// skip advertise with a smaller signal": 0,
"min_rssi": -90,
"// How many seconds to wait for a packet before considering BLE connection": 0,
"// broken and exiting. Higher values are useful with slowly advertising sensors.": 0,
"// Setting a value of 0 disables the exit/restart.": 0,
"ble_timeout": 20,
"// How many seconds to wait for emitting a presence event, after latest time polled": 0,
"// Default is 60 seconds": 0,
"presence_timeout": 60,
"// Number of simultaneous bluetooth connection the device can handle (PI Zero=4)": 0,
"max_connections": 4,
"connection_timeout": 20,
"// MQTT path for history requests and output. Default is Empty (to disable).": 0,
"//history_path": "/ble/hist/",
"// We can add our own custom advertising UUIDs here with names to help decode them": 0,
"advertised_services": {
"ffff": {
"name": "level"
"// Make this nonzero to enable the HTTP server on the given port.": 0,
"// See README.md for more info on what it does": 0,
"http_port": 1888,
"// Set this to enable the HTTP proxy - it's off by default for safety": 0,
"// since it would be possible to spoof MAC addresses and use your": 0,
"// connection": 0,
"// NOTE: Some Bluetooth adaptors will cause the error: Command Disallowed (0xc)": 0,
"// when trying to connect if http_proxyis enabled.": 0,
"http_proxy": false,
"// If there are any addresses here, they are given access to the HTTP proxy": 0,
"// http_whitelist": [
"mqtt_host": "mqtt://localhost",
"//mqtt_options": {
"username": "mqtt",
"password": "mqtt",
"clientId": "clientid"
"// Define the topic prefix under which the MQTT data will be posted. Defaults to /ble which is not adviced. For new installation, please activate the option below.": 0,
"mqtt_prefix": "homed",
"// These are the types of MQTT topics that are created": 0,
"// Send /ble/advertise/ad:dr:es:ss JSON with raw advertising data, as well as /ble/advertise/ad:dr:es:ss/rssi": 0,
"// This is used by the localhost:1888/ide service to detect devices": 0,
"mqtt_advertise": false,
"// Send /ble/advertise/ad:dr:es:ss/manufacturer/uuid raw manufacturer data as well as decoded /ble/advertise/ad:dr:es:ss/json_key for json-formatted 0x0590 advertising data": 0,
"mqtt_advertise_manufacturer_data": false,
"// Send /ble/advertise/ad:dr:es:ss/uuid raw service data": 0,
"mqtt_advertise_service_data": false,
"// Send /ble/json/ad:dr:es:ss/uuid for decoded service data - REQUIRED FOR HOMEASSISTANT": 0,
"mqtt_format_json": true,
"// Send /ble/service_name/ad:dr:es:ss for decoded service data": 0,
"mqtt_format_decoded_key_topic": false,
"// Whether to enable Home Assistant integration": 0,
"homeassistant": false,
"homed": true